The Power of Syndication in Media

Syndication offers unparalleled opportunities to amplify reach and impact, allowing a single story to generate a larger volume of coverage. Let’s explore syndication and its value to your media strategy. 

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ERPR Staff
Ten Media Outlets Run by Women

In today's dynamic media landscape, women are making significant strides, breaking down barriers, and making their mark on media outlets, from fashion and culture to business and news. These remarkable women helm some of the world’s most notable publications; shaping narratives and driving conversations. Let's look at ten influential women and leaders in the world of media.

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ERPR Staff
How to Handle a Correction Request

From simple typos to factual inaccuracies, mistakes can undermine the credibility of news articles and publications. Recognizing the significance of maintaining accurate information, media organizations have established correction policies to rectify such errors promptly. This article explores the art of correction requests in the media and provides guidance on how to effectively navigate this process.

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ERPR Staff
Five Ways to Make an Announcement That's Not a Press Release

As businesses continue to evolve and adapt, so do the ways in which they communicate with the public. Press releases have long been the go-to method for announcing news, but they are not always the most effective or engaging way to communicate with an audience. Here are five ways to effectively make an announcement without a press release.

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ERPR Staff
The Importance of Keeping a Story Fresh

Some brands achieve the coveted “of the moment” status – when they seem to appear everywhere and become a dominant conversation topic in the public sphere. But even the most hyped brands have a popularity expiration. No brand dominates headlines as an “it” brand forever. Keeping a story fresh is the key to longevity in PR efforts.

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Communications, MediaRenee Sieli