
Companies must build trust and connect with audiences.


Financial services companies must engage with consumers and influence stakeholders as a core part of their mission.

ERPR develops stories that matter, however, sometimes they come from unexpected places.

ERPR works with its financial services clients to develop stories that matter and are relevant to both customers and the industry. Often we work with the C-Suite to position them as thought-leaders but at times we require the spotlight shifts to an analyst, researcher or economist when the story calls for it. Education is at the core of financial services storytelling and this requires subject matter expertise sourced from the most relevant role. For instance, expertise on a specific company or market movement may be best sourced from an analyst, whereas changes in the global market or business plans demand the voice of the CEO. ERPR uses its methodology to pinpoint the specific experts, relevant stories and target outlets before beginning to generate content to ensure alignment.

We work from the perspective that financial services is much more than currency — it encompasses technology, legislation and livelihoods.

We work closely with our financial service companies to undercover relevant stories and expose important voices from within firms using our methodology. We move quickly to secure the right placements, whether it is on Bloomberg or in a hyper-focused blog. ERPR project scopes are relatively short in comparison to other media relations companies; most range between eight and twelve weeks. This enables us to work rapidly on targeted publicity to position executives as market leaders, support corporate communication teams and launch emerging products.

The world is changing but basic principles are the same.

The financial industry has become more complex than ever before with global market shifts, emerging technology that blurs the lines between financial-and-tech plus immense changes in customer touchpoints. At the core, the fundamental principles are the same. Gaining and retaining trust with customers, maintaining credibility and being an industry thought leader are as important today as they were a century ago.

Trust is at the center of all transactions.

Everyone wants to trust the companies they are working with, and this is especially important in the financial services industry. Building trust means establishing strong relationships through corporate communications and executive thought leadership to relay core business values and principles. Financial services companies must continue to educate and innovate for their consumers and partners if they expect to have a voice in the incredibly intense financial services media universe.

Case Studies