Behind the Headlines:
From a Publicist’s Perspective

The Role of Storytelling in PR: How to Craft Compelling Narratives
Renee Sieli Renee Sieli

The Role of Storytelling in PR: How to Craft Compelling Narratives

The backbone of any PR campaign is storytelling. Whether your tactical strategy involves events, social media, or media relations, the best campaigns are built on a compelling narrative. There’s a reason why this works: storytelling has been a powerful way for humans to connect throughout our entire existence. They draw people in, create a sense of community, and remain with people long after the tale is told.

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Building Press Release Efficacy
Renee Sieli Renee Sieli

Building Press Release Efficacy

The strategic deployment of a press release is a time-honored tradition, pivotal for disseminating vital information to the wider public and the media. Organizations that issue press releases, while often well-intentioned, can sometimes miss the mark if announcements are not executed with precision and a clear understanding of their impact.

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Should You Issue a Press Release?
Renee Sieli Renee Sieli

Should You Issue a Press Release?

The press release is the most recognized tactic in public relations, dating back to the early 20th century. Ivy Lee, a public relations pioneer, is often considered the creator of the first press release in 1906, which he used to issue a statement to journalists following a Pennsylvania Railroad train wreck in Atlantic City. More than 100 years later, the press release remains an effective strategy for brands looking to engage with the public and/or the media.

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How to Design Successful Media Campaigns: Key Metrics to Watch
ERPR Group ERPR Group

How to Design Successful Media Campaigns: Key Metrics to Watch

Securing funding remains a pivotal goal in the dynamic landscape of startup growth and development. Achieving this goal often requires more than just a compelling business model or a revolutionary product; it necessitates capturing and maintaining the interest of potential investors and partners.

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How Startups Can Leverage Media Coverage to Fuel Investment
ERPR Group ERPR Group

How Startups Can Leverage Media Coverage to Fuel Investment

Securing funding remains a pivotal goal in the dynamic landscape of startup growth and development. Achieving this goal often requires more than just a compelling business model or a revolutionary product; it necessitates capturing and maintaining the interest of potential investors and partners.

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Media relations. How does it work?
ERPR Group ERPR Group

Media relations. How does it work?

Whether you wish to understand how to create an effective PR strategy, land your first media placement, or form relationships with appropriate journalists, the tactics discussed below will help you successfully navigate the dynamic landscape of modern media relations.

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Lessons from the Headlines: Pride Month
ERPR Group ERPR Group

Lessons from the Headlines: Pride Month

It's not uncommon for brands to leverage holidays, memorialized months, or particular seasons to run campaigns. The most recent Pride Month, dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ+ community, was no exception.

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The Power of Syndication in Media
ERPR Group ERPR Group

The Power of Syndication in Media

In today's rapidly evolving media landscape, syndication has emerged as a crucial consideration when developing media strategy. Syndication offers unparalleled opportunities to amplify reach and impact, allowing a single story to generate a larger volume of coverage.

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Ten Media Outlets Run by Women
ERPR Group ERPR Group

Ten Media Outlets Run by Women

In today's dynamic media landscape, women are making significant strides, breaking down barriers, and making their mark on media outlets, from fashion and culture to business and news. These remarkable women helm some of the world’s most notable publications; shaping narratives and driving conversations.

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How to Handle a Correction Request
ERPR Group ERPR Group

How to Handle a Correction Request

From simple typos to factual inaccuracies, mistakes can undermine the credibility of news articles and publications. Recognizing the significance of maintaining accurate information, media organizations have established correction policies to rectify such errors promptly.

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Five Ways to Make an Announcement That's Not a Press Release
ERPR Group ERPR Group

Five Ways to Make an Announcement That's Not a Press Release

Press releases have long been the go-to method for announcing news, but they are not always the most effective or engaging way to communicate with an audience. Increasingly, companies are looking for more creative and flexible ways to share their stories and make announcements.

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