Behind the Headlines:
From a Publicist’s Perspective

PR Crisis: BP Oil Spill
ERPR Group ERPR Group

PR Crisis: BP Oil Spill

Few events are more damaging to a company’s reputation than environmental, financial, or other disasters. However, even when unimaginable tragedies occur due to human error, a carefully planned and executed public relations campaign can mitigate both the short-term and long-term damage to a company’s public image.

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One Story Five Headlines
ERPR Group ERPR Group

One Story Five Headlines

It can be tempting to take a one-size-fits-all approach to pitching, but even the most compelling story needs a strategy. Securing better placements boils down to pitching smarter, not harder. 

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The Importance of Keeping a Story Fresh
Renee Sieli Renee Sieli

The Importance of Keeping a Story Fresh

Even the best story eventually gets stale. Storylines that attract widespread attention will lose their luster, and what enticed reporters even six months ago can feel old and overdone today. Successful PR campaigns not only understand this cycle, they proactively plan for the inevitable downtrend. To maintain media coverage…

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How to Determine a Story Angle
ERPR Group ERPR Group

How to Determine a Story Angle

Successful PR campaigns boil down to telling great stories. Below is a guide on how to best develop engaging storylines. It is as simple as following the five Ws, and questions that influence any news story: who, what, where, when and why? 

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News Cycle 101
Renee Sieli Renee Sieli

News Cycle 101

“News cycle” is a term often used in PR-related conversations. It’s a critical concept for media and publicists alike, and the foundation knowledge needed to uncover truly compelling stories.

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The Value of Subscription-Based Media Coverage
ERPR Group ERPR Group

The Value of Subscription-Based Media Coverage

The introduction of the media paywall emerged as a “thing” more than a decade ago when The Wall Street Journal announced their subscription paywall, which met fierce backlash. WSJ represented the exception to the rule only until the last decade, as most major publications now have a content paywall…

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The Dos and Don'ts of "Off the Record"
ERPR Group ERPR Group

The Dos and Don'ts of "Off the Record"

Perhaps the most iconic and intriguing phrase in the media world, “Off the Record” (OTR) often serves as fodder for dramatic Hollywood moments. In reality, OTR scenarios are delicate matters when dealing with the media…

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Embargo vs. Exclusive: What You Need to Know
ERPR Group ERPR Group

Embargo vs. Exclusive: What You Need to Know

News embargoes and exclusives are tools publicists use to disseminate news or information. Let’s look into the specifics of each tactic, and when it is appropriate to offer one or the other…

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Owned vs. Paid vs. Earned Media
ERPR Group ERPR Group

Owned vs. Paid vs. Earned Media

When it comes to owned media, paid media, and earned media, each channel has a specific function and purpose, and each can play a separate, yet complementary, critical role in any brand strategy…

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Metrics You Should Care About in PR
ERPR Group ERPR Group

Metrics You Should Care About in PR

We’re often asked about how we gauge success in our work. The answer tends to be a bit murky as no clear-cut method to measure PR success exists, such as the standardized metrics applied to marketing and advertising campaigns. We often rely on broader metrics to track PR effectiveness, but these tend to fall short of capturing the true impact of any publicity…

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Mainstream vs. Trade Press: A PR Breakdown
ERPR Group ERPR Group

Mainstream vs. Trade Press: A PR Breakdown

Despite the vast and undeniable power of mainstream media outlets, limitations exist to filing stories here, so they are certainly not the only guiding stars for successful PR…

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