Questionnaire for Media: Simon Erickson, 7investing

ERPR’s series, "Questionnaire for Media," features members of the media and asks about their lives and careers.

Simon Erickson, founder and CEO of 7investing, smiles into camera

Simon Erickson, founder and CEO of 7investing

I connected with Simon Erickson, founder and CEO of 7investing.

How did you first get into journalism? What was your first job in journalism? 

My first journalism job came with The Motley Fool in 2013 as an analyst, which was initially heavy on number-crunching and reading reports. Over time, I realized it was even more important to be able to communicate a good investment idea in a way that was understandable to readers.

Prior to this role, I worked as a technical sales rep and in developing the renewables strategy for a large energy company. There was lots of writing in those roles too, though it wasn’t quite as public-facing.

How do you decide what you write or publish?

My ultimate goal is to figure out how developing trends will impact long-term investors. 

There’s a lot of really neat things going on out there – electric and autonomous vehicles, personalized healthcare and gene editing, or machine learning and quantum computing – that are making huge changes to the business world.

Those changes are coming from the innovators, so a lot of what I publish is a result of absorbing information from people who are a lot smarter than I am. I take notes and do interviews at industry conferences, spend a few days making sense of everything, and then write about the conclusions I come to.

What is the most interesting news story you’re following right now that you’re not covering?

“Life sciences is the next IT industry.” Researchers are beginning to synthesize DNA, which could completely change the way that cells behave or function. It’s being used today to create more efficient drugs and chemicals, but this could have even larger implications on human longevity.

It’s generally believed the first people have already been born who will live to be 150. We might need to increase the age for those “senior citizen” discounts.

I’m also fascinated that Virgin Galactic is already booking space tourism flights. You’ll soon be able to see the Earth from outer space for $250,000. Make sure to get the window seat!

If you weren’t in journalism, what would you be doing?

Professor of strategy for a business school. Preferably in a tropical climate.

What do you read or watch every morning?

I read Twitter on a daily basis. For deeper coverage, I really enjoy MIT Tech Review.

Which talent would you most like to have?

Photographic memory. Or teleportation.

Who is your hero of fiction? 

The Ghostbusters.


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