Behind the Headlines:
From a Publicist’s Perspective

How to Master the Art of Championing Political Topics as a Brand
When Nike first introduced its Colin Kaepernick ad in 2018, the brand broke with the unspoken tradition of businesses avoiding politically-charged topics. Doing so can alienate audiences, and ultimately hurt a business’s main purpose for existing: to generate revenue. But while Nike did suffer a short-term hit, the brand solidified loyalty from target audience segments…

Questionnaire for Journalists: Spencer Israel, Benzinga
We connected with Spencer Israel, Editor, Producer and Host at Benzinga.

Questionnaire for Journalists: Pamela Mitchell, Yahoo! Finance
We connected with Pam Mitchell, digital producer at Yahoo! Finance.

Questionnaire for Journalists: Michael Cogdill, WYFF
We spoke with Michael Cogdill, anchor and long-form reporter at WYFF and 29-time Emmy winner.

What If the PR Industry Ditched the Retainer Model?
Most PR firms require a six-month to one-year commitment. This setup often breeds dissatisfaction. What if the model shifted?

Questionnaire for Journalists: Javier Hasse, Benzinga/Forbes/El Planteo
We connected with Javier Hasse, managing director of Benzinga Cannabis, senior contributor to Forbes, co-founder and CEO of Spanish news site El Planteo and best-selling book author with Entrepreneur Media.

Public Relations in a Pandemic
No one knows what the future will hold, and that shared unease has encompassed the globe. Accompanying the growing fear of the unknown is a growing eagerness to engage with others. Despite current circumstances, brands can participate and even motivate healthy engagement if done appropriately.

Questionnaire for Journalists: Wendy Almeida, Marketing Land
We spoke with Wendy Almeida, community editor for MarTech Today, Search Engine Land & Marketing Land.

Five Questions to Determine News Value
A story can be interesting or a topic may spark discussion, but without the timely element often described as “news value” or a “news hook,” the probability for press coverage is diminished.

Questionnaire for Journalists: Chuck Jaffe, “Money Life with Chuck Jaffe”
We spoke with Chuck Jaffe, syndicated financial columnist and host of Money Life with Chuck Jaffe and former columnist for MarketWatch.

Questionnaire for Journalists: Jacob Wolinsky, ValueWalk
We connected with Jacob Wolinsky, founder and editor of ValueWalk, a site that provides coverage on hedge funds, large asset managers, and value investing.

How to Boost PR ROI: Recycle Coverage
A simple way to measure the impact of media coverage, and ultimately boost any investment in PR, is to recycle an article or segment once it is published.

A Lesson in Word Choice: The Peloton IPO
The debut of a company on the public markets has always created a public spectacle of sorts; even more so when the IPO landscape is robust. For companies preparing to go public at such a time, there are two key considerations to keep in mind…

Questionnaire for Journalists: Kim Davis, Freelance Editor
We spoke with Kim Davis, freelance editor and former editor at DMN, covering all aspects of digital and data-driven marketing.

A startup company urgently needed to increase awareness while premiering a 360-degree video and virtual reality content network.
A premier network of 360-degree video and virtual reality content was rapidly growing thanks to meaningful partnerships with well-known brands such as Discovery, Disney, National Geographic and Red Bull.