Questionnaire for Journalists: Kim Davis, Freelance Editor

ERPR’s series, “Questionnaire for Journalists,” features members of the media and asks about their lives and careers.

For the inaugural article of this series, I spoke with Kim Davis, freelance editor and former editor at DMN, which covered all aspects of digital and data-driven marketing.

Kim Davis, freelance editor, speaking into a microphone

Kim Davis, freelance editor

How did you first get into journalism?
It was straight out of high school. I sent a sample concert review to a music paper, and they happened to be looking for teenage writers. So I became a stringer for the New Musical Express.

How do you decide what you write or publish?
In theory, you’re guided by what readers are interested in, but I believe you have to be ahead of the game, and be able to tell readers, you should be interested in this. A recent example was telling our audience of marketers they really needed to learn about GDPR.

What is the most interesting news story you’re following right now that you’re not covering?
There are so many, but I’m a politics geek, so I’m following the race for 2020.

If you weren’t in journalism, what would you be doing?
I would actually love to be a librarian. Can’t get away from words.

What do you read or watch every morning?
BBC News app for world news, then “Morning Joe” on MSNBC.

Where would you most like to live?
New York, which is where I live. But second choice would be Barcelona.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Temperance. Cheers!


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