Questionnaire for Journalists: Wendy Almeida, Marketing Land

ERPR’s series, “Questionnaire for Journalists,” features members of the media and asks about their lives and careers.

Wendy Almeida smiling

Wendy Almeida, community editor

I spoke with Wendy Almeida, community editor for MarTech TodaySearch Engine Land & Marketing Land.

How did you first get into journalism? What was your first job in journalism?

I started my career in journalism writing obituaries at the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram. I didn’t do that very long before moving to their online division working on niche digital products. I wrote a blog about outdoor adventures with children as well as travel, parenting and communities. It was part of the newspaper’s commitment at the time to the American Press Institute’s Newspaper Next (N2) research project about the need to diversify. I’m not sure that worked out the way our team had hoped but it was an excellent learning experience working with some talented, forward-thinking professionals from editorial, marketing and sales.

How do you decide what you write or publish?

Early in my editing career, I read an article about the concept of genius and taking a complex problem and breaking it down in a way that anyone could understand. I know how much more time and expertise it takes to write about a topic in a tight word count but it’s totally worth it.

What is the most interesting news story you’re following right now that you’re not covering?

Data privacy. I work with contributors who write about managing data privacy and the evolving legislation around this issue that affects marketers. But we only skim the surface on the complexity and implications of what this actually means for consumers.

If you weren’t in journalism, what would you be doing?

I have a master’s degree in higher education administration so likely teaching or working in education in some way. Or maybe I’d become a trail guide because I wouldn’t mind hiking, paddling and cross-country skiing every day!

What do you read or watch every morning?

I’m a bit of a political junky so I start my day with the Washington Post and if time allows, I listen to a podcast (or two) about today’s news.

Who are your favorite writers?

This is a hard question! It depends on my mood and what I’m interested in learning or reading for fun. I love biographies and memoirs and Michelle Obama’s book was a recent favorite. I also love my AMC guidebooks because they are well-researched and helpful. I live near the western mountains of Maine and New Hampshire’s White Mountains and those guidebooks have helped me plan a lot of outdoor adventures with my family and friends over the years.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

I think patience can be overrated. Sometimes you just have to jump into something and figure it out as you go. If you wait around until the time is right you might have missed the opportunity.


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