Navigating the Landscape: ERPR vs Traditional Agencies

In the evolving world of public relations (PR), choosing the right partner to elevate your brand's voice is crucial. The PR landscape is dotted with traditional agencies and innovative firms, such as ERPR, each offering unique advantages. This post demystifies the differences between traditional PR agencies and ERPR's distinctive approach, providing insights to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Traditional PR Agencies

At its core, a PR agency specializes in managing the public image and communications of businesses, individuals and organizations. PR agencies often offer multi-discipline expertise, supporting holistic campaigns that span branding, social media, media relations, advertising and occasionally public affairs. They typically specialize in different industry verticals, offering internal teams built around specific expertise.

These agencies usually work with clients on a retainer basis, providing a suite of services over an extended period. This model is well-suited for large, established brands requiring ongoing, multi-disciplinary PR and marketing support.

Clients are often assigned a team, consisting of a managing director or partner, along with mid- and junior-level staff. The size and attention of a PR team varies based on retainer size and number of managed accounts, which averages between 15-20 per team.

ERPR: A New Model for Media Relations

Founded on Renee Sieli's vision for a different kind of media relations firm, ERPR stands out in the PR landscape. The ERPR mission: address gaps in traditional PR strategies – especially the loss of impactful stories in generic press releases and wire distributions.

The ERPR Difference:

Focused Industry Expertise: ERPR specializes in three primary market segments: financial services, technology, and media and entertainment. By focusing on these areas, ERPR leverages deep industry knowledge to navigate the media landscape and develop storylines that align public interest with brand goals.

Unique Project-Based Model: Unlike the retainer model of traditional PR agencies, ERPR operates on a project basis. The project basis PR approach offers more flexibility and efficiency, ensuring clients' time and budgets are maximized. With project fees generally starting under $20,000, ERPR provides a cost-effective solution without compromising service quality.

Collaborative Storytelling: ERPR takes pride in working closely with clients' leadership and communication teams, often serving as the communications function for the brands we represent. We immerse ourselves in the brands we represent by understanding their brand, marketing, sales objectives and resources to best develop storylines.

Results: Since our 2013 launch, ERPR has secured press coverage for every project undertaken. We have worked with many clients previously disgruntled by the PR process, particularly for paying for publicity that was never generated. ERPR does not take on projects unless we are confident we can deliver within the proposed time frame. We are proud of our track record and continue to strive for excellence in every project.


The choice between a traditional PR agency and ERPR depends on your specific needs, industry focus, and desired media relations approach. While traditional agencies offer a broad spectrum of services under a retainer model, ERPR provides a more focused, efficient, and collaborative approach, especially suited for delivering a significant impact within a defined timeframe.

In a world where every story counts, choosing the right partner makes all the difference. Whether you prefer the comprehensive support of a traditional PR agency or the specialized, project-based model of ERPR, ensure your choice aligns with your brand's vision and goals.


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