Ten Media Outlets Run by Women

In today's dynamic media landscape, women are making significant strides, breaking down barriers, and making their mark on media outlets, from fashion and culture to business and news. These remarkable women helm some of the world’s most notable publications; shaping narratives and driving conversations. Let's look at ten influential women and leaders in the world of media.

Anna Wintour, Vogue

Dame Anna Wintour, the legendary editor-in-chief of Vogue, has held that position since 1988. Over the years, Wintour has expanded her role within Conde Nast, Vogue’s parent company, establishing herself as a career maker in the fashion industry. Her unparalleled influence has shaped popular style for decades, transcending the confines of print media. Wintour is widely recognized for her philanthropic initiatives and instrumental role in transforming the Met Gala into the high-profile, star-studded event it is today.

Katharine Viner, The Guardian 

Katharine Viner has served as  editor-in-chief for The Guardian since 1997, the first woman to assume this role in the newspaper's 200-year history. Viner swiftly gained acclaim for her work as The Guardian Weekend editor and her leadership proved pivotal when overseeing the successful launch of Guardian Australia, the online edition of the publication. Viner's expertise in digital media has been a driving force behind The Guardian and the Guardian Media Group's sustained growth and online success.

Radhika Jones, Vanity Fair 

An accomplished journalist and editor, Radhika Jones has left an indelible mark on the media landscape as editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair. Possessing a deep understanding of culture, politics, and the arts, it is said Jones brings a unique perspective to the iconic publication. Under her guidance, Vanity Fair continues to provide insightful and thought-provoking content via longform essays and dynamic features. Jones is renowned for her commitment to diverse, inclusive storytelling, ensuring the magazine's pages feature a range of voices and perspectives. Her editorial direction has garnered critical acclaim and solidified Vanity Fair's position as a leading authority in entertainment, fashion, and popular culture.

Sally Buzzbee, The Washington Post 

Sally Buzbee is a highly respected journalist and the current editor of The Washington Post. With a distinguished journalism career, Buzbee brings to her role a wealth of experience and  strong commitment to journalistic ethics. Known for her unwavering pursuit of truth and dedication to holding those in power accountable, Buzbee has played a crucial role in shaping The Washington Post's coverage of significant national and international events. Under her leadership, the Post has fostered a culture of investigative journalism, consistently delivering in-depth and impactful reporting. Buzbee's ability to navigate complex stories and dedication to journalistic principles have solidified The Washington Post's position as a leading source of news and analysis.

Emma Tucker, The Wall Street Journal

Emma Tucker is the first woman to assume the editor-in-chief role at The Wall Street Journal. Prior to joining WSJ, Tucker served as the U.K.'s Sunday Times editor, where she successfully doubled the publication’s digital readership. In her current position, Tucker has emphasized her goals of digital growth and expanding the WSJ audience, highlighting her commitment to innovation and reaching new readers. Since taking on the editor role in 2022, The Wall Street Journal has seen steady growth of its digital-only subscriptions. 

Alyson Shontell, Fortune 

As the first female editor-in-chief of Fortune magazine, Alyson Shontell delivers a fresh perspective to the prestigious publication. Shontell, a seasoned journalist and former editor-at-large at Business Insider, is well-positioned to drive new ideas and initiatives atFortune. Her appointment holds significant importance in promoting gender diversity and representation in the media industry, and it is expected to further solidify Fortune's position as a leading business publication.

Nancy Barnes, Boston Globe

Nancy Barnes, former chief news executive at NPR, assumed her role as The Boston Globe editor  in 2022. Barnes is widely recognized for her successful track record of leading newsrooms as well as her passion for quality journalism. She played a critical role in expanding NPR's digital presence and fostering collaboration between various news outlets. As she takes The Boston Globe helm , Barnes is expected to offer a wealth of knowledge and fresh initiatives, ensuring the publication's continued excellence in reporting and storytelling. 

Beth Daley, The Conversation

Beth Daley provides vast experience as an award-winning journalist who dedicated two decades to environmental reporting for The Boston Globe. In 2019, she assumed the role of Editor and General Manager at The Conversation, an independent, non-profit media organization that offers news, commentary, and analysis authored by academics. Daley's expertise and passion for journalism continue to drive The Globe’s mission of providing insightful and evidence-based content.

Alessandra Gallonim, Reuters

In a historic milestone for Reuters, Alessandra Galloni was appointed as editor-in-chief in 2021 – the first woman to hold this position in the outlet's 170-year history. Galloni's journey comes full circle, as she began her career at Reuters' Italian language news service before transitioning to the Wall Street Journal, where she devoted more than a decade covering business and politics news. Returning in 2013, she served as Reuters global managing editor before assuming her current role. Galloni's extensive experience contribute to Reuters' continued impact as a leading global news organization.

Nekesa Mumbi Moody, The Hollywood Reporter 

Described as a "barrier-breaking powerhouse," Nekesa Mumbi Moody made history as the first Black woman to serve as The Hollywood Reporter's Editorial Director. With a remarkable background spanning twenty years at the Associated Press, Moody rose to the position of Global Entertainment and Lifestyle Editor. As the The Hollywood Reporter’s Editorial Director , she brings resolute commitment to high-quality investigative reporting and deep analysis. Moreover, Moody aims to shift the media's lens by highlighting and amplifying voices from underrepresented backgrounds, fostering a more inclusive and diverse media landscape. Her leadership and dedication to excellence contribute to The Hollywood Reporter's continued media industry relevance and impact. 


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