Five Ways to Make an Announcement That's Not a Press Release

As businesses continue to evolve and adapt, so do the ways in which they communicate with the public. Press releases have long been the go-to method for announcing news, but they are not always the most effective or engaging way to communicate with an audience. Increasingly, companies are looking for more creative and flexible ways to share their stories and make announcements.

One popular alternative to a press release is a blog post. Companies like Google and Meta have successfully used blog posts to share product changes or address policy concerns. This format allows for a more conversational and editorialized tone, creating a different space to address a news item or concern.

Here are five additional ways to effectively make an announcement without a press release.

1. Longngform Storytelling

Sometimes, a news announcement is best communicated through a longer-form story. Rather than simply announcing the news, this approach allows you to tell a more engaging and compelling story about why the news matters and what it means for your audience. This can be done through an exclusive with a media outlet, or by publishing a longer-form blog post or article on your own website.

While this may limit the quantity of press that your announcement generates, it guarantees quality coverage. If strategically considered, it can create more buzz for the news than simply putting something over the wire.

2. Video

Visual content continues to be a powerful tool for engaging audiences and generating media coverage. By creating a video that explains your news or showcases your product, you can capture people’s attention and make a more memorable impression. Video content can also be easily shared on social media and other digital platforms, helping your news reach a wider audience.

When creating a video announcement, it’s important to keep it concise and visually engaging. Consider using animation or graphics to illustrate your key points, and be sure to include a clear call to action that encourages viewers to learn more.

3. Live Interviews and Events 

Participating in a live event or interview can be a powerful way to share your news with a broader audience. Whether it’s a conference or media interview, these platforms allow you to share your message in real time and engage with your audience directly.

When planning a live event or interview, it’s important to prepare in advance and ensure that you have a clear message and key talking points. You should also be prepared to answer questions and respond to feedback in real time.

4. Media Advisory

A media advisory is a short document that provides key information about an event or commentary to the media. It’s typically less formal and structured than a traditional press release, and is designed to provide journalists with the information they need to cover your news (think: who, what, where, when and why). 

When creating a media advisory, it’s important to keep it concise and focused. You should include the key facts and information that journalists need to cover your news, but avoid including too much extraneous detail. You should also make it clear how journalists can contact you for further information or to arrange an interview.

5. Social Media

Social media has become an increasingly important tool for businesses to communicate with their audiences and share news and updates. By posting your announcement on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, you can reach a broad audience and engage with people directly. It also offers a venue to “own” the conversation, as you can break the news on social channels and then engage in follow up conversation based on reaction to that news.


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